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Town Council Work Session - 3/1/04


1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Edward F. Havens
Deputy Mayor John P. Pelkey
Councillor William Aman
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Muriel Yacavone

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano

Public Participation - None

Communications - None

Town Manager’s Report - None

Items for Discussion

A.      Discussion Item – Union School Committee – Final Report
        Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works and a member of the Committee, presented the Report to Council.  (See attached Exhibit A.)

When asked what kind of timeframe would be associated with the RFPs, Mr. Gantick said the Council would need to determine how the criteria in the report meets with those considered by the Council.  He added that an appraisal is being done on the property.  

6.              A.      (Continued)

Mr. Gantick said that there may be groups that wish to come forward with grants or opportunities to get involved with funding from outside sources.

He estimated that if the Plan was approved by the Town Council, it might be possible to have the RFP out by the fall and have something back by the end of the calendar year.  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey, referring to the first recommended criteria, asked if the recommendations would allow for “new” design to be mixed with “old” design, such as that which has been done with the Bushnell.  Mr. Gantick responded that the criteria lists those things the Town “would like to see in a proposal.”  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey felt consideration should be given to looking at the availability of various grants.

Councillor Aman asked if the Council was in agreement that the Committee should be continued and additional tasks be given.  Rather than submitting formal requests for proposals at this time, he suggested the Committee put out a request for concept plans.  A concept plan would consist of who is proposing, what they are proposing, how they expect to receive funding for the building, and how they will fund the continuing operation.  

Responding to questions from Councillor Yacavone, Mr. Gantick indicated that the building was not currently set up for public assembly, neither from a structural perspective, nor from a code perspective.  Adjustments would be required for such a use.

James Dina, a member of the Committee representing the Main Street neighborhood, felt that a great deal of constructive dialog, and ideas, had been exchanged during the process.  He said that his group was not in favor of the criteria numbered as 9 and 11—elderly housing and senior design housing, respectively, specifically because they were “undefined.”  He felt that both of these options were inconsistent with the suggestions in numbers 1 through 8.

6.              B.      Discussion Item – Proposal to Allow the Families of South Windsor Businesses the Use of Town Recreational Facilities
(See Attached Exhibit B – South Windsor Recreation Department Resident Policy)

Councillor Pendleton explained that she had been approached by a business owner in the community asking if the business owners within the community who pay taxes have the benefit of using the recreational facilities at the in-Town rate.  She said that in checking with the Director of Recreation, Ray Favreau, she learned that he had already created a “Benefits for Businesses” Plan which had been “sitting on the back burner” for a while.  Mr. Favreau then presented the following information, in addition to the report.

The Recreation Department relies on Town businesses for sponsorships.  Ten different sponsors provided more than $16,000 in financial aid and in-kind contributions to support activities like the Seals Swim Team, the Annual Egg Hunt, the Outdoor Summer Concert Series, Summer Soccer, and the production of the brochure each year.  The Department relies on these businesses to advertise in the Recreation Department summer catalog and donate products for special events.  

Mr. Favreau felt that a program whereby non-resident owners of South Windsor businesses would be extended resident privileges to Recreation-sponsored programs and services would be of benefit.  

Councillor Paquin didn’t feel it was an appropriate time to bring this program forward after having been advised a short time ago that recreational fees were being increased tremendously.  Mr. Favreau responded that he believed that this would be an opportunity to generate additional revenue.  

Councillor Delnicki was in favor of the program, not only as a means of improving good will with non-resident owners of businesses, but also as a means of boosting the income of recreation programs themselves.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey, noting that volume does help decrease costs, thought the program might be helpful in lowering costs.  He said that there would be further time to examine the numbers further before a resolution came forward.

6.      B.      (Continued)

Mr. Favreau then explained where the 900 figure used on Page 2 of Exhibit B was obtained.  There are well over 1,200 businesses in Town; however, many of them are home businesses and would already receive the mailing.  Also, some of the businesses are here in personal property only; they have no actual facility in Town.  

Councillor Fine suggested clarification with regard to the definition of “Owner,” as there might be several owners of a business, such as those involved in a partnership.  She also suggested that there be a differentiation made with regard to the municipal taxes being paid by the business—whether they are personal property taxes and/or real estate taxes.

Councillor Streeter felt it was a good plan and suggested a possible cost savings by asking the businesses in their introductory letter if they are interested in receiving the mailings.

Executive Session – To discuss pending litigation (Evergreen Walk)

Due to the time factor, it was decided that the Executive Session would be held as part of the Regular Meeting.


The Work Session was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Merlyn P. Guild
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council

Attachments – Exhibits A and B